This project is a joint initiative of the municipalities of Knjazevac (LP) and Rila (PP2) to provide a solution to the common CB problems with respect to prevention and mitigation of the consequences of flood disasters. Although different in scale, both partners administer areas where seasonal flooding often occurs but the lack of adequate capacity (in terms of infrastructure/equipment and adequate public support) hampers them to effectively manage these environment risks. To address this issue, the project partners decided to cooperate in finding a common solution which would improve not only the current status of identified hazardous areas but will enhance the capacity of administrations for joint disaster management actions. They will undertake small-scale investments/interventions for natural water retention through afforestation of areas in both partners’ territories, building of flood defense facility in Rila municipality and sanitation of rivers in Knjazevac. These joint actions will improve the local disaster resilience quality and provide the grounds for effective know-how exchange.

Being the forth largest Serbian municipality in terms of area and located at the foothills of Stara Planina, Knjazevac is rich in water resources of ” second order”. This, however, goes hand-in-hand with heavy rains and torrents which carry large masses of soil, stone and waste which block riverbeds and prevent water flow. The result is erosion of river banks and floods which destroy fertile land and property. This activity is dedicated to implementing small-scale interventions for river banks sanitation and afforestation for natural water retention on the territory of the municipality aiming at prevention of floods and erosion risks. Sanitation works are envisaged for 9 rivers and streams (Inovska river, Zukovacka river, Grezanska river, Kalicinska river, Jelasnicka river, Ravanski stream, Debelicki stream, Jakovacki stream and Minicevska reka). They will encompass riverbeds cleaning, opening of river circulating profile, undergrowth cutting, making a water flow failures and exportation of all accumulated deposits, debris and waste. The equipment supplied in Activity 2 will be utilized to carry out the a.m. works. To restore flood plains and reinforce vulnerable land, 600 sq.m. will be afforestated along the riverbanks of Minicevo river and Jelasnica rivers. All works will be supervised by a joint team of experts from LP and PP2. During the activities planning and execution they will exchange experience in the field of preventive risk management.

Rilska River is a relatively short river but, due to the specifics of the terrain, the water current accumulates mass and speed quickly. In the majority of its length it is turbulent and carries large amounts of solid mass. This erodes the left river bank and causes seasonal floods over residential property and the road leading to one of the most sacred and visited locations in Bulgaria – the Rila Monastery. To address these issues, with this activity PP2 will implement small-scale investments to reinforce river banks and ensure natural water retention. This will be achieved through the execution of works for construction of a supporting concrete wall of the right river bank and afforestation of flood plains as green infrastructure measures for natural water retention. The building of the flood defence wall will not impact the river bed. Afforestation and a walking path are envisaged behind the supporting facility. The detailed design of the planned construction works is provided as Annex. The works will be supervised by a specialized construction company to ensure adequate control systems for quality assurance, health and safety and environmental protection, incl. its compliance with the applicable national legislation. In addition, a joint team of PMT and other experts will monitor the implementation of the works, exchanging know-how and enhancing their expertise on a CB basis.

Partner employees will share experience throughout the planning and execution of the envisaged works, upgrading the competence of local specialists and enhancing the effective collaboration in risk management on Programme level. Special attention will be paid to capacity building among the local population to improve disaster resilience preparedness. Joint trainings on flood risk prevention and management will be conducted for local volunteers and/or civil protection professionals to align on approaches and tactics thus fostering more efficient interventions on CB level. All project activities aim at stimulating the cooperation on both sides of the border and benefiting from synergies in the field of joint risk management. Upgrading the existing equipment and gaining relevant knowledge will expand the partners’ capacities and strengthen CB interaction. This will contribute to the establishment of long-term foundations for continuous cooperation between the partner municipalities and will foster intense relations in the area of risk management and civil protection on cross-national level. The cumulative impact on the CB area will directly contribute to the achievement of the Programme Specific objective 3.1 by enhancing the capacity and preparedness of local authorities and population for better management of natural hazards across the border.

Тhe partners will jointly undertake small-scale investments/interventions for afforestation of targeted river areas as a natural water retention measure, building of flood defense facility and sanitation of rivers to upgrade local disaster resilience. Two alternative approaches will be explored. LP will supply specialized equipment to ensure adequate and regular cleaning of a number of riverbeds on the municipal territory from excess deposits, debris and waste. This will provide a sustainable approach for restoration of the natural processes and prevention and adaptation to climate change effects. PP2 will build a supporting wall on the riverbanks at a hazardous area where both residential property and road infrastructure are at risk. This will secure a long-term solution to the threat of flooding and road erosion of the access point to one of the most sacred and visited locations in Bulgaria – the Rila Monastery. Special attention will be paid to capacity building through exchange of experience and dedicated trainings. Partner employees will jointly plan and execute the envisaged activities, upgrading their qualification and skills. Together with local volunteers and civil protection officers, joint trainings on flood risk prevention and management will be conducted to align on approaches and tactics in crisis situations, thus fostering more efficient interventions on CB level. This will improve the capacity of local institutions to play an active and efficient role in management of environmental emergencies locally and on CB scale. Based on the joint CB initiatives and investments, the project promotes long-term sustainable collaboration in risk management in the CB area. Through investments and interventions in green infrastructure and flood defense measures, the project leads to improved institutional capacity for interventions and reduced vulnerability to natural disasters. Thus it triggers the necessary structural changes to achieve sustainable growth based on efficient management of environmental resources, in line with the Program strategic objective.

The present activity encompasses the procurement and supply of multifunctional needed for cleaning of 9 riverbeds on the territory of Knjazevac Municipality and afforestation and restoration of the adjacent areas (as described in Activity 3). The implementation of this activity will ensure increased capacity of LP to adequately carry out the flood protection interventions envisaged in Act. 3 and improve its efficiency in preventing and mitigating the consequences of flood disasters in the Municipality of Knjazevac in the future. The equipment is defined after a detailed research on the appropriate intervention methods in the targeted areas and the available technological options within the project budget.

The project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme.
This website was created and maintained with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme, CCI No 2014TC16I5CB007. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the Municipality of Knjazevac and the Minicipality of Rila and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Programme.

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